H-Wave®: An Effective Approach For Post-Op Recovery
H-Wave gives you a new option for treating post-surgical patients. This scientifically proven, drug-free alternative not only relieves pain but also helps patients achieve long-lasting, rehabilitative benefits. It’s available for in-home use, which can help keep your patients more compliant with their post-operative care, as H-Wave gets them more engaged in managing their recovery.

It’s time to rethink RICE: The benefits of active recovery
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) has long been a standard for rehabilitating injuries and recuperating from trauma or surgery, but now, even Gabe Mirkin, the doctor who coined the phrase almost 40 years ago, is recommending a new protocol.
According to Mirkin:
- Rest and ice can actually delay recovery2
- Application of cold suppresses the immune responses that start and hasten recovery2
- Mild movement helps tissue to heal faster2
Watch Dr. DiNubile, World Renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon,
discuss benefits of active recovery with H-Wave
"The H-Wave Home Unit is easy to use, very effective and my patients and athletes love it. I am especially impressed by the fact that it often helps to reduce the need for medication and speeds recovery."
- Nicholas DiNubile, MD. World Renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon and Best Selling Author
Normalizing tissue to promote the ideal post‑surgery recovery
Unlike ice, compression, or medications, H-Wave has been shown to produce all of the key elements for recovery and active rehabilitation:
- Nitric oxide–dependent vasodilation3
- Increases blood flow3
- Promotes angiogenesis3
- Activates muscles to move waste through the lymphatic system3
- Controlled loading of tissue, leading to regeneration and remodeling
All of these benefits are delivered with a comfortable signal that the physician can adjust to be as slight or intense as desired
Breaking the Chronic Pain Cycle
In high-frequency mode, researchers believe that H-Wave works by affecting the function of the sodium pump within the nerve and thereby creates a profound anesthetic / analgesic effect. The pain relief is so potent that the FDA has cleared H-Wave for use as dental anesthesia. Unlike TENS, these benefits last long after the device is taken off. Only a 30-60 minute session is needed for hours of relief.
The Science Behind H-Wave® Supported By Research
More than a dozen peer-reviewed published studies on H-Wave are indexed by PubMed.gov covering topics of:
- Patients using the home H-Wave after rotator cuff reconstruction surgery showed significantly improved range of motion at 45 and 90 days postoperatively compared to patients using a PLACEBO device.4
- The patients still actively using H-Wave 8 weeks after surgery advanced more quickly in Physical Therapy as measured by ROM and flexibility compared to the Placebo group.4
H-Wave’s evidence-based results provide long-lasting, cumulative and rehabilitative benefits.
- 79% of H-Wave users reported functional improvements that made it possible to return to activities such as walking, lifting, and sleeping1
- 78% of H-Wave users reported significant pain relief1
- 65% of users were able to reduce or completely eliminate the need for pain medicine1
To read more on these studies and find additional research on H-Wave®, click here.

H-Wave® Delivers Customized Support And Solutions For Your Post-Op Patients
A trained consultant meets with your patient and provides complete instruction and education; follow-up training is offered indefinitely. We handle all paperwork associated with home referral and insurance authorizations, and we offer convenient payment plans as well. We monitor patient progress and compliance and provide you with a full progress report. We provide proactive outreach to patients at 30 and 60 days, and we also provide an educational website for both patients and physicians. You get the added benefit of enhanced compliance and patients who are more engaged in their own recovery.
H-Wave is an affordable solution with flexible options for your patients and their employers.
- Monthly payment programs
- Rent-to-own options
- H-Wave TotalCare (fixed price) programs
We stand behind your patients and your practice with our 100% guarantee.
If your patients don’t achieve lasting results and feel a noticeable improvement in 30 days, they can return the device with no charge to them, the insurance carrier, or your practice.
1. Blum K, Chen TJ, Martinez-Pons M, et al. The H-Wave small muscle fiber stimulator, a nonpharmacologic alternative for the treatment of chronic soft-tissue injury and neuropathic pain: an extended population observational study. Adv Ther. 2006;23(5):739-749. 2. Mirkin M. Why ice delays recovery. Dr. Gabe Mirkin on Health, Fitness and Nutrition website. http://drmirkin.com/fitness/why-ice-delays-recovery.html. Published March 16, 2014. Accessed March 16, 2015. 3. Smith TL, Callahan MF, Blum K, DiNubile NA, Chen TJ, Waite RL.H-Wave effects on blood flow and angiogenesis in longitudinal studies in rats. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2011;20(4):255-259. 4. Blum K, Chen AL, Chen TJ, Waite RL, Downs BW, Braverman ER, Kerner MM, Savarimuthu SM, DiNubile N. Repetitive H-wave device stimulation and program induces significant increases in the range of motion of post-operative rotator cuff reconstruction in a double-blinded randomized placebo controlled human study. BMC Musculoskel. Disord. 2009 Oct 29;10:132.