To continue helping those suffering at home, H-Wave is providing direct-to-patient delivery and one-on-one virtual instruction.

AMA Report Reveals Changing Trends in Evolving Opioid Epidemic

August 12, 2020

American Medical Association’s (AMA) Opioid Task Force recently released a new report which shows changes in the overdose and fatality rates during the continuing opioid epidemic.  Although deaths involving prescription […]

“Stop Icing!” An Interview with Dr. Kelly Starrett and Gary Reinl

July 22, 2020

R.I.C.E. – Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation – this has been a well-known treatment for soft tissue injuries since Gabe Mirkin coined the phrase in his Sportsmedicine Book in 1978. […]

Important Telehealth Updates for Providers

May 4, 2020

DaisyBill recently published a webinar about telehealth for providers in California, however the information can be very valuable for providers in other states as well. They reviewed the new telehealth […]

Simple Breathing Exercise as The First Step Towards Treating Pain

May 1, 2020

During this time when many of us are in self-quarantine, we’re finding that we’re simply not moving as much as we used to.  In addition, we don’t have access to […]

Helpful Tips For Clinicians About Telehealth Services

April 16, 2020

Dr. Wajde Dabah, and Interventional Pain Specialist based out of Chicago, Illinois, is providing some helpful insights into telemedicine, and how to effectively and immediately implement telehealth services into your […]

“Making Waves with H-Wave”

January 17, 2020

Our Experience with Southern California Hospice Foundation Last month, our team members here at H-Wave had the great honor of being able to partner up with many different charitable organizations […]

Can Immersion in Virtual Reality Help Ease Pain?

January 9, 2020

Study tests efficacy of Virtual Reality Pain Management A small study tested the effects of watching immersive 360-degree videos of the Arctic on people with intense burning pain.  The results […]

The VA’s New “Solid Start” Program Has A Promising Outlook

January 3, 2020

The VA recently launched a new program called “Solid Start” to help Veterans transition from military life to civilian life within their first year out of the service.  The program […]

How To Get the Most Out of Your FSA or HSA Now and in 2020

December 12, 2019

Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts can provide big savings to consumers for necessary health costs. These programs make a huge difference for individuals who know what they are […]

How To Start Moving Again When You’re In Pain | Kelly Starrett, DPT

December 4, 2019

Tricking your brain into movement with micro muscle contractions One thing we’re always trying to do when we have acute pain, or even chronic or persistent pain, is to introduce […]