To continue helping those suffering at home, H-Wave is providing direct-to-patient delivery and one-on-one virtual instruction.

Author: Sarah Boyd

5 Benefits Of Yoga For Back Pain

August 6, 2019

Chronic back pain affects millions of people around the world, and prevalence rates continue to rise.  Aside from the aspect of pain, it can also lead to disability, psychological distress, […]

Orthopedic Surgeons Suggest Increased Collaboration For Hip-Spine Pathology

July 26, 2019

“The belief that the spine moves independently of the pelvis and hip has been disproved in recent years as researchers repeatedly identified important connections between the alignment of the spinal […]

Interventional or Non-Interventional Pain Management: What’s The Difference?

July 18, 2019

If you suffer from chronic pain, you likely feel as if your life has been completely uprooted. Once enjoyable activities are now impossible, prevented by the severe pain. Every task […]

When’s The Best Time For Work Disability Intervention?

July 12, 2019

Researchers question the long-held notion of the subacute injury phase to be the “golden hour” for return to work interventions. When treating work-related injuries, when is the best time to […]

Taking Charge Of Chronic Pain

June 27, 2019

How H-Wave Puts the Power of Pain Relief Back in the Hands of Patients H-Wave’s CEO, Ryan Heaney, was interviewed last winter by Orange Label’s Rochelle Reiter on their podcast […]

Can A Relaxation App Reduce The Frequency Of Migraines?

June 18, 2019

According to a recent study, the answer is yes. First, a little background: June is Migraine & Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), and many people do not know how prevalent migraines […]

Follow-Up to Proposed Pain Care Policy Changes

June 12, 2019

Final Report on Pain Management Best Practices: Updates, Gaps, Inconsistencies, and Recommendations Earlier this year, the Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force (Task Force) released a draft report for […]

How Vitamin D and Calcium Work Together For Strong Bones

June 5, 2019

What you eat has a direct impact on your overall health, and more specifically, the health of your bones. Two nutrients in particular – Calcium and Vitamin D – work […]

Daily Exercise – How Much Should You Be Getting?

May 31, 2019

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “regular physical activity helps improve your overall health and fitness, and reduces your risk for many chronic diseases.” Not to mention, daily […]

Orthopedic Surgeons Seek Opioid-Alternatives For Pain Management

May 28, 2019

Recently, there has been a push in the orthopedic community to “investigate and explore alternative strategies to keeping patients comfortable after surgery,” according to Nady Hamid, MD, of the Shoulder […]