To continue helping those suffering at home, H-Wave is providing direct-to-patient delivery and one-on-one virtual instruction.

Author: Alex Jimenez

Managing Muscle Spasms with H-Wave

January 23, 2024

Are you familiar with that feeling of tightness, like a band constricting your muscles, after an intense workout or when a joint is irritated? Dr. Starrett sheds light on an […]

Understanding and Managing Swelling

January 17, 2024

Dr. Kelly Starrett details some valuable insights on a topic that often causes confusion among those dealing with chronic pain or recovering from surgery – understanding swelling vs. inflammation. Our […]

Managing Shoulder Pain Post-Surgery

January 9, 2024

Recovering from shoulder surgery can be a challenging journey, often accompanied by post-surgical pain that hinders movement and overall well-being. Dr. Kelly Starrett, a distinguished Physical Therapist, unveils an innovative […]

Breaking the Ice: The Future of Pain Management

January 2, 2024

In the landscape of pain management, individuals grappling with chronic pain or recovering from a recent surgery are often on the lookout for solutions that go beyond conventional approaches, such […]

Solving the Opioid Dilemma: H-Wave for Effective Pain Relief

December 13, 2023

Solving the opioid dilemma in a world where pain management often leads to the use of opioids is imperative for a safer and healthier future. As we navigate the challenges […]

Managing Low Back Pain Post-Surgery

December 4, 2023

Chronic pain patients, surgery patients, and physicians unfamiliar with H-Wave can benefit greatly from understanding the capabilities of the H-Wave unit. In this blog post, we will explore how the […]

The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Pain Management

November 22, 2023

Living with chronic pain or recovering from surgery can be a challenging journey, often leaving individuals feeling a loss of control over their own well-being. In this blog post, Dr. […]

Your Solution to Knee Pain on Road Trips

November 14, 2023

Are you one of the many individuals who experience knee pain during long road trips? We’ve all been there, enduring that uncomfortable twinge in our knees while behind the wheel […]